Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow and tears

Eli is falling asleep on me as I write. I had these grand notions of getting him out into the snow this morning. I should have known it might be a disaster when he threw a fit while I was putting on his snowsuit. My better judgement told me it was nap time, but I had to get him outside. After much wrestling and crying, I did manage to get him dressed. With camera in hand, I got him outside and plopped him in the snow expecting something magical to happen. Unfortunately, he could barely keep himself upright. He kind of did this slumping thing to check out the snow. Eventually, he started crying again while I stood there and laughed at the scene, which I was unable to photograph. The most I have from this experience...

Eli and I finally did get outside. We did a little shoveling, and walked around the block.  He observed the snow falling. He seems mildly interested. I remember Zoe almost diving into the snow head-first when she was his age. I guess Eli is getting over surgery and that may be holding him back a little.

We're having a great afternoon. Lots of peekaboo and chasing. Everything is a game for Eli. This second, we're taking a break from each other, and he is discovering the world of the changing table, wait, not, he is crawling to the books while making car noises. Now he appears to be attempting to climb the book shelf. Ok, no. Toy train. Clapping hands. Big empty diaper box. Hurt himself. Crawling to me. Bye.

Eli has discovered the joys of peekaboo!

Recap: Eli feel asleep in seconds...probably 15 minutes after the above picture was taken. Often, some reason to cry is often a catalyst for sleep. In this case, he hurt himself on the empty diaper box. That's right...tons of toys and he chooses to play with an empty box. Typical!

Zoe found time to play in the snow after school.

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